Is the name we fondly call Miss Dior's most prized posession.
Her 'Baybee' .. And if we dare call it her 'Doll' boy do we cop it!
"Baybee" was a gift from Nan And Pop for her first birthday. Its suppose to look like a lamb..
No matter how many times we wash her, within hours its back to looking like this --->
"Road Kill"
Tonight was gave her a huge makeover. Bleach, Eucalyptus oil, nappy san and laundry powder. Then a run through the washing machine. Its sad to say.. But 'Baybee' needs a new outfit..
If anyone knows of someone who makes outfits for a Fisher Price 'Mommy Doll' i would love to hear from you. Im looking for an all in one suit as ive got plenty of hand made little outfits for her.
She just looks rather naked at the moment!
x N