Well, maby not the last one. But what us mums are capable of , brings us enough life experience that we should be able to run for President!
For the past 5 months ive spent looking after a new member to our family, born with some unfair health issues. Running a house hold with 3 kids under 5. Birthdays , celebrating Christmas and moving house on Christmas eve!
Being a rock to many friends in need. Especially a close family affected by the devastating Toowoomba floods. By my self and with the resources i have through my page Spreading random Acts of Kindness ( www.facebook.com/sraok) I managed to raise close to $6000 for a Anita and Al who lost there home, farm and livelihood. An intense few weeks of my life, that involved alot of time away from the family. And i can honestly say there are very few i would probably go through it again for. But they were defiantly deserving.
Ive charged through some extreme emotional issues and rough family times. I helped my gorgeous 5 year old through his first day of grade one and my little miss through her 1st day of kindy. My partner and i changing roles, He is now a full time stay at home dad and im back in the work force full time. And that was all in the last 2 months..
And i planned my wedding.
For those of you thinking about planning your own wedding.. Dont. LOL
Well, if you have a less hectic and busy life then us, then DO IT.
Its an awesome experience, but if your tight on time and energy.. then hire a planner.
What i didn't realize at the time of planning was come crunch time, i am the one they will all turn to for the run down. Bombarded with calls and emails left right and center.
From the finer details to the bigger picture, the vows, the table set ups, the hired goods, the baby sitter, the cars, the time frame, the plans.. everything! And that im fine with. But when ive just spend 5 months putting all my energy in to buying and sourcing every last detail for the big day from table runners and center pieces, bonbonaries and place settings. Suits and dresses, shoes and jewelery! Wedding dress delmar's and postage dramas.
I needed another 'me' to handle the dead lines.
Mr 26 had one job. MUSIC. Get some good tunes for us. Which come crunch time.. he came through with the goods.
For those of you interested, or planning your wedding, here is a run down on how far ive come. I haven't added all the finer details, but will so after the big day!
Ill start with the significance of our day. Which i will continue in another entry (I get a little teary)
We are marrying on My grandfathers birthday. Our dates of birth are 3 days apart. And for how ever long i can remember we have always celebrated together. Whether is be Both on his day or both on mine. It was always together. We lost grandad suddenly nearly 3 years ago and with my nans blessing, she allowed us to share our day, with his.
Now! To the shoes!
Master 5 has wanted DC's for about a year now. But as were not really into the whole 'brand name' scene we thought we would hold off. 'He' thought it would be a good idea to have a pair for the wedding. And seen as tho 'Going out shoes' would never get much use again, we agreed that this would be the perfect time for them.
Bargain buys! Master 5's Pinstriped pants were a return to Target, They weren't actually ever stocked in the particular target we shopped at that day. It was total fate that there was 1 pair, in His size, on that day!
Big man and Little man's wedding shoes.
My wedding shoes.
Simple comfy Kmart brand- $15.00 Down to $6.00

Miss 2's Shoes.
Kmart, soft and roomy. $12.00 down to $1.00!

Mens Shirts.
Connor- $89.95 down to $29.95
I bought 4 of them. To wear with Black pants, black shoes and Red suspenders.

S & N - Typo. 3 for $10

Wishing Well
$79.95 down to $31.95

I waited for hours and hours for this one special little parcel!
I washed clothes, did the dishes, put the kids to bed, tidied up then at about 1pm i thought..Hmm i might just go grab a pie from the bakery. I sware on my life the postie saw me leave the house and he danced up my driveway like a pansy and lightly layed this by my door step. Frolicking back to his van laughing at the fact he still had my
4 agonizing hours later My MOH and i went and collected 'THE' dress!

♥ Miss 2's Flower girl dress! Pure Black. ♥


Our save the dates.
I hunted every where for the perfect save the dates for 'us' i stumbled across a similar idea on Google and worked on it. We added details like time, date, and accommodation in the area. Attached a magnet to the back and printed them our for a small 8c each!
Gosh it was fun to day!
Just me, him & a niko ..

Im a huge cupcake lover. Everyone know that! So it wouldn't be 'my' wedding without cupcakes! 250 of them! Nom nom!
Ebay $15.00 (inc postage) For 250 cases.

Ebay- 150 fitted white chair covers. used once! $500 including courier.

Red Organza chair sash!
Ebay - 150 for $36.00

Through winning an amazing cupcake tower, I met an amazing person.
Lilian from Lily chic events http://www.lilychicevents.com.au/ had a facebook comp running for the person who could refer the most new fans over to her page! My gorgeous friends got behind me and i WON this stand! Worth $200! Lucy and i had spent days and days hunting for a similar thing and even considered making one out of ply wood! I adore my cupcake tower! ♥

5m Bali flags. From a closing down sale.
10 x 5m flags for $40.00

Our ceremony location!

The gorgeous Ebenezer Park. Right on the Tweed river.

Oh, and this was taken months ago during the rains.. The grass is so lush and green now!

Our Reception venue.
Troi Hilder from Green Mount beach resort has been fan-fricken-tastic with helping me arrange the reception.
We have chosen to have a buffet dinner as our guest list started at 130 people! And after culling and cancellations we've managed to bring it down to a more suitable amount. So the buffet will cater for all food preferences.
Troi took mum and i through a reception set up a few hours before there arrival to see if we like the way it would work and we loved it! I took the photo from the dance floor in front of the bar area.
(The missing chair covers were used on there ceremony chairs.
And our theme is Black, Red and White)
Troi has kept the Saturday before hand free for my army of women to come and attack his venue! Ladies, high on coffee and adreiline.. This is going to be awesome.
My MOH and i are then staying the night (Same bed..Wooot) And will start the day with a delish buffet breaky before the fun really begins!

My Hand made Gauter!
To buy $24.95
To make $3.75

The the peice of gold that started it all.
From the love of my life.

The only thing missing now are Wedding photos!
8 days and counting!
x N
ReplyDeleteNot long to go now Nic, I wish you guys the best of luck for your big day and the rest of your lives together, we've been married five years at the end of the month.